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~Is Bill the same Bill as in P.C.O.D?

uhm...yeah...the answer is simple...uh...what in the world can that be?! *runs*


~Who the hell is Bill anyways?

Bill is no one in particular just yet not entirely like a bunny


~Recently I've been reading Arcana, have you read it?

No Lacy, I have not since I have been very busy making the comic I hope you are enjoying.


~Did you ever in the course of your life make a comic in the year 1020?

yes...but then I fixed it


~Who is your favorite character in P.C.O.D.?

why the hellhounds.....of course, they are harmless if you don't make eye contact.


~What is that stuff inside a lava lamp?

why lava...of course baka.


~What do you think about yaoi in general?

none in my comic thank you.


~Did you have sexual relations with Monica Lowenski?

nope, I was rejected.


~What would you do if you ever got the chance to have Johnny Depp naked and tied to a bed?

uhm....I'd say except I've given this place a PG rating ^_^;



uhm....thats not even a question


~Recently my toast has been making sushi and braiding its hair, is my toast Crimson?

uhm....toast doesn't HAVE hair dear


~mine does should I be worried? oh yeah its also brandishing a knife at me

Lacy...step away from the nuclear waste


~What would you do if you ever got the chance to steal Baka Lacy's wall scroll?

no comment


~What is the Meaning of Life, the Universe and Everything?


(god bless douglas adams, where ever he is)